How to Wear the Clothes You Already Have

Giving some thought and attention to your clothing is a gift to yourself. Clothing communicates so much about who we are, who we think we are, how we want others to feel about us—feeling current, comfortable and authentic (and then forgetting about your clothes) is the best way to face the day. But often I hear clients wonder, “Why don’t I wear more of what I have?” Here are my thoughts on that—

Number 1) There is just too much in your closet. The closet feels overwhelming, so you just wear a few pieces on rotation because you know they work.

Number 2) When you’re trying to grow and elevate your personal style into something new, people tend to comment!

Number 3) You’re buying items because they were on sale OR an influencer/social media post made it look great.


So what to do?

Number 1 is fairly easy to fix: edit your closet (or get help from a professional—Hello! 👋🏼 I can help). Once you release the pieces that are not flattering, misshapen/damaged, out of date, and/or duplicates, then organize by color and season, it’s much easier to see what you have and put the outfits together on a daily basis. Giving yourself the gift of your own attention to this matter is so meaningful.

Number 2 is a bit trickier. I’ve found that when clients come to me looking to elevate their style and we do that successfully, sometimes the comments start coming. And often these are from people the closest to them (spouses, moms, kids) and they can be something like, “Why are you wearing that?” or “You have a lot of bracelets on!” I feel this happens because the new look is unfamiliar. Mom/wife/daughter looks different—does this mean she IS different? Unconsciously, the person making the comment may feel worried or discomfited. If you’ve ever found yourself in this situation, then the answer is something like, “I’m trying something new and I want to take some time to see how I like it. So far, it’s making me feel really good.”

Number 3 is a matter of really knowing yourself and making thoughtful purchases that don’t clog up the closet. Super-duper sale prices are sooooo tempting—buy carefully and make sure it really fits well and it’s something you will actually use. See an outfit on social media that you love? Really look at who is wearing it—do they have the same proportions as you? Same lifestyle? Can those shoes they are wearing really be worn outside on a daily basis (the fancy, bare shoes in winter always make me giggle! or the mom carrying a child on her hip while wearing stilettos 🤭) Mindful purchasing increases the likelihood of wearing what’s hanging in your closet.


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And bonus thought: give yourself permission to wear the good stuff! Pieces don’t have to be expensive to be considered the good stuff, but often those that are a bit more pricey can feel too precious to wear everyday. Carpe diem! You loved them when you bought them so please wear them until they “owe you nothing” as a recent client said to me! 💗

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